Jack Dunnett

The gallery has started to work with painter Jack Dunnett.
The way events, stories, myths, and memories evolve through oral tradition, documentary and artistic depictions is always interesting to scrutinise. It's like a perpetual wheel that turns not metaphorically - untouched by intervention - but like a physical rolling stone in travel. 
Dunnet creates enigmatic stories using placed figures that awkwardly meld and jar, framed inside scenes that appear to be staged. He merges traditional oil painting techniques with random reactions between household chemicals, building materials and found pigments. Working with processes that build up and strip away layers, Jack examines relationships between prescriptive mark-making and chance elements, combining structure and chaos to create imagery that holds itself in balanced tension. 
The culmination is work produced on small, intimate boards that present as informative and questioning, demanding that the viewer decode each picture for a unique and personal interpretation. 
New to the Gallery